Using AsyncSequence in Swift

Table of Contents
  1. Modern Concurrency in Swift: Introduction
  2. Understanding async/await in Swift
  3. Converting closure-based code into async/await in Swift
  4. Structured Concurrency in Swift: Using async let
  5. Structured Concurrency With Group Tasks in Swift
  6. Introduction to Unstructured Concurrency in Swift
  7. Unstructured Concurrency With Detached Tasks in Swift
  8. Understanding Actors in the New Concurrency Model in Swift
  9. @MainActor and Global Actors in Swift
  10. Sharing Data Across Tasks with the @TaskLocal property wrapper in the new Swift Concurrency Model
  11. Using AsyncSequence in Swift
  12. Modern Swift Concurrency Summary, Cheatsheet, and Thanks

Along the new concurrency APIs introduced in Swift at WWDC2021, we have AsyncSequence. AsyncSequence is a collection protocol that allow us to receive data in loops and even top higher order functions - such as filter, map and reduce - asynchronously, being able to await for new data as it becomes available.

Introducing AsyncSequence

As a sequence, we can do with them anything we can do with any other sequences. Other than applying higher order functions, we can also search through them, count the number of elements, and more.

What we need to understand is the underlying behavior of these sequences.

Recall that await means suspension - when our code runs, if it encounters an await call, it will begin doing the awaited work somewhere else, and execution of your code will stop. When the asynchronous task is done downloading, the compiler will, at some point begin executing everything below the awaited call.

AsyncSequence has essentially the same behavior, save a key difference.

Imagine you have the following file in a remote server:

// videogames.csv
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time|1998|10
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask|2000|10
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker|2003|10
Tales of Vesperia|2008|8
Tales of Graces|2011|9
Tales of the Abyss|2006|10
Tales of Xillia|2013|10

For your convenience, you can find that file here.

Using AsyncSequence

It is very easy to consume this file, line by line:

struct Videogame {
    let title: String
    let year: Int?
    let score: Int?
    init(rawLine: String) {
        let splat = rawLine.split(separator: "|")
        self.title = String(splat[0])
        self.year = Int(splat[1])
        self.score = Int(splat[2])


func loadVideogames() async {
    let url = URL(string: "")!
    var videogames: [Videogame] = []
    do {
        for try await rawVg in url.lines {
            if rawVg.contains("|") {
                // Valid videogame
                videogames += [Videogame(rawLine: rawVg)]
    } catch {
        // Handle the error

lines is an AsyncSequence - as the URL obtains new lines from the file, they processed, one by one. It’s not accurate to say it’s an array or any other kind of specific collection. This really is just an abstraction for something that will deliver values to us overtime. We can also create our own AsyncSequences.

But AsyncSequence wouldn’t be half as interesting if we could’t refactor the code into something more sensible that makes equal sense.

func loadVideogames() async {
    let url = URL(string: "")!
    let videogames =
        .filter { $0.contains("|") }
        .map { Videogame(rawLine: $0) }
    do {
        for try await videogame in videogames {
            print("\(videogame.title) (\(videogame.year ?? 0))")
    } catch {

At this point, there’s one thing worth mentioning: When we are using AsyncSequence this way - chaining multiple calls to transform our “collection -, you will notice that sequence doesn’t “start” automatically. If you do not add the for loop there, the sequence will not start, and you will see nothing. This means that we have some limitations, like we can’t get the number of elements by calling .count on videogames. I have also noticed that it’s missing some methods that you may have seen elsewhere, like dropLast().

The sequence will be awaited when it’s needed for it to produce a new value - that is, in our specific example, each new videogame newline will trigger an await. Each time a new value is emitted, our code is suspended, and the thread is off to do different work, until it either produces a new value, its done, or an error is thrown.

And because this is just a normal iteration, you can use break and continue within the loop.

for try await videogame in videogames {
    if videogame.score == 10 {
    print("\(videogame.title) (\(videogame.year ?? 0))")

In this example we are adding a continue statement to avoid printing all the games with a perfect score. Of course, you could just alternatively add a filter to videogames adding this constraint, and all videogames with a score of 10 would not get printed.

let videogames =
    .filter { $0.contains("|") }
    .map { Videogame(rawLine: $0) }
    .filter { $0.score != 10 } // Apply the filter here

do {
    for try await videogame in videogames {
        print("\(videogame.title) (\(videogame.year ?? 0))")
} catch {

One other thing of interest is that in this particular case we are using an AsyncSequence that is delivering data over the network. It is also possible to use it with local files.

Apple has added multiple APIs that make use of AsyncSequence throughout the SDK, including but not limited to:

  • FileHandle.standardInput.bytes.lines, which can be used to receive input from the command line or other sources.
  • URLs can access both lines and bytes, when you want to read an input-as is rather than line by line, by calling URL's resourceBytes property.
  • URLSession has a bytes(from:) method, which you can use to download data byte by byte from the network.
  • NotificationCenter now has APIs to await on new notifications of the specified types. I may write an article on this eventually.

Using AsyncStream

It’s possible that already have code that continuously delivers updates on certain events via a callback or even delegates. For example, if you are using CoreLocation to receive the user’s location in realtime, you have code that receives new location points as they become available.

We can streamline code like that - which delivers its results in many different places at once - using an AsyncStream. Similar to Converting closure-based code into async/await in Swift, we can convert “real-time” or “streaming” code into into a sensible async sequence.

To show you this, we will first create a small wrapper for the CoreLocation delegate methods that receive events. This will be a beautiful example, because we will both create a continuation for the authorization status, and then we will setup a stream for the location events.

class LocationUpdater: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate {
    private(set) var authorizationStatus: CLAuthorizationStatus
    private let locationManager: CLLocationManager
    // The continuation we will use to asynchronously ask the user permission to track their location.
    private var permissionContinuation: CheckedContinuation<CLAuthorizationStatus, Never>?
    var locationHandler: ([CLLocation]) -> Void = { _ in }
    override init() {
        locationManager = CLLocationManager()
        authorizationStatus = locationManager.authorizationStatus
        locationManager.delegate = self
        locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest
    func start() {
    func stop() {
    func requestPermission() async -> CLAuthorizationStatus {
        return await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
            permissionContinuation = continuation
    // MARK: - Location Delegate
    func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {

    func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(_ manager: CLLocationManager) {
        authorizationStatus = manager.authorizationStatus
        permissionContinuation?.resume(returning: authorizationStatus)

This LocationUpdater class allow users to ask for authorization and it does so with async await, thanks to the permissionContinuation continuation. Developers can then call this code as follows:

let authorizationsStatus = await updater.requestPermission()

This code will return the status on a single line, even though internally it jumps through two different methods to get the result. If you don’t remember or don’t know how continuations work, check out my Converting closure-based code into async/await in Swift article.

The var locationHandler: ([CLLocation]) -> Void = { _ in } property is a closure that will allow us to receive location events without having to implement more delegates on our side. We can wrap this is in a AsyncStream and start receiving location events as they happen, and receive them in a loop, and even use the sequence functions to mutate this array later on:

func beginTracking() async {
    await requestPermission()
    if authorizationsStatus == .authorizedWhenInUse {
        for await location in locationEvents() {

func locationEvents() -> AsyncStream<CLLocation> {
    let locations = AsyncStream(CLLocation.self) { continuation in
        updater.locationHandler = { locations in
            locations.forEach {
    return locations

locationEvents is our AsyncSequence.

One important note here is that you can listen to the continuation to learn when it is stopped. If you have a sequence that needs to be manually stopped or you need to do some sort of cleanup after receiving events, it is useful to implement. That method is

continuation.onTermination = { _ in}

Unfortunately, implementing that method requires our streaming type - in this case CLLocation - to be @Sendable. Because CLLocation is not sendable, we cannot use it here. To learn about @Sendable, check out the “The Sendable Type” section of my Understanding Actors in the New Concurrency Model in Swift article. I tried to work around this by creating a wrapper type with a single property location property, but it didn’t work. At this time, I am not sure what would be the best way to use AsyncStream with CoreLocation, other than creating structs with all the same properties as CLLocation, which would take a while.


AsyncSequence allows us to await on events as they happen in real time. Whether it is network events or other system events, AsyncSequence can help us streamline our code to be easier to read and write. AsyncStream can be used to wrap a continuous event emitter into an AsyncSequence that can receive its events in a loop, and we can filter, map, reduce, and perform more standard collection operations on them.