This has been quite a year! Not only did we have the bad stuff happen (COVID-19), it has also been a crazy year for my personal development and for the growth of my blog.
Thanks to the events that happened mid-year, the reach of my blog has reached wide, and I have connected to a bunch of people thanks to all that.
I want to take one minute to thank you all who have reached to me with questions about my articles, ideas, and even suggestions to improve my writing. When you guys point out typos and ask questions, it measn you guys are reading my content. It means that I am not writing in vain, and that makes me genuinely happy. When I revived my blog in 2019, I said I wanted to become an active Swift community member. I’m very happy to say this purpose has been fulfilled.
I also want to thank those who have shared my articles. From the simplest link to sharing it in your newsletters and podcasts, my blog wouldn’t have the reach it has today if it wasn’t for you guys. I’d love to give names here, but I realized, there’s actually too many! And I do not want to miss a single one of you.
So thank you all very much for your support this first full year the new has been out. And here’s to a (hopefully better) 2021!
Short Break Notice
I decided to take a break from writing for a few weeks. On January 13, I will publish the first article of the year. With me working from home, having side projects and all, I decided to avoid seeing code outside my day job for a few weeks. Thank you for your understanding!